A number of our customers have made inquiries regarding the legal requirements for bicycle lighting. Our lights are legal and recommended by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Here is what I found.
The Federal government only mandates bicycle manufactures place reflectors on the front and rear wheels. Some local municipalities and states require front and rear facing lights with white in the front and red in the rear. The front light serves to protect the rider and animals. I will add each states requirements to this blog at a later time. I also found the following recommendation from the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
The use of lights for night riding is generally recommended or required by authorities as a basic safety precaution, even in a well-lit urban context. Studies show a correlation between collisions and failure to use lights even during daytime. It has been estimated that 75% of bicycles used in the United States at night do not meet the legal requirements for lighting.
An illuminated bicycle with, fiber optics, LEDs, and Christmas Lights improves rider visibility beyond federally mandated bicycle reflectors. Source Nighttime Safety Requirements of the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
Get your Bike BeDazzleLiT and Light the Night!